Updates and changes
After much downloading and subsiquent hard work I can now say that the welcome page of Mad-Den Traffic works as well in FireFox as it does in Explorer.
Also we have added microbanners to the graphical collection for you to link with. Three of these are now showcased on our side bar here at the blog website
(for those reading via ATOM or RSS).
Our plans for the future of Mad-Den Traffic include a banner exchange that is almost compleate and is just in the final debugging process.
After the banner exchange is up and running we have jsut a few tidy-up things to do and then the "to do list" runs out. This is where you get a chance to direct your traffic exchange: we are looking for three new projects that will take Mad-Den Traffic into 2006.
Current suggestions include: further intergration with Mad-Den Main, Games for points, Buy more points, Hot Surf Score board, Hot or Not style link to Hot Surf, New graphics and look and feel, Tag board/chat, Forum and advert exchange.
We can not do them all and it is likely most would not be very usfull to the blogging community.
Also I am aware that bloggers might have other ideas altogeather. So I am opening up this comments section for your suggestions on what you would like next.
Fire Away!