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Mad-Den Traffic
Friday, February 18, 2005
  Fostering Goodwill

or vote your way to greatness

I've been racking my brain for at least the past few seconds as to how I can reasonably talk about using the mad-den traffic vote system (beta) to help yourself.

It did not take me very long to think of some good advice: vote often - vote well.

How you vote now will have a knock on effect for the future. By casting votes that show appreciation for a blog you are going to leave the message to the blogger that actually they are OK. This will mean that as they continue to vote they too feel well disposed to other bloggers.

The result of all this love has always seemed to be the same. A culture of niceness can spring up which while tending to reduce constructive criticism it does significantly improve that nice fuzzy well appreciated feeling.

Of course, this reciprocal niceness is not for everyone but it is the same principle that causes people whose blogs you've commented on to come to you and say "hi".


This banner is from the new beta version of Mad-Den Banners

It has been called a seat-of-your-pants traffic surf system. It has been called cool and new. It has even been called mum by very confused people. These are some tips for Mad-Den Traffic Surfers

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